Section Officer

Section Officer may be:

Definition: “Section Officer” means an officer who is in direct charge of a Section.

DISTRIBUTION OF WORK: A Section Officer shall dispose of all cases where there are clear precedents, and no question of deviation from such precedents is involved or which under the rules or standing orders he is competent to dispose of. In case of doubt he may seek verbal instructions from his senior officer. The Section Officer will ordinarily be assisted by an Assistant and a Stenotypist who shall be responsible for the following: (i) Assistant (a) putting up previous papers and other references relating to the case under consideration; (b) opening of files and keeping a record of movement of files; (c) keeping a note of all important orders and decisions; (d) recording, indexing and weeding of files; (e) watching the necessity of keeping priority or security labels on files. He should bring to the notice of the Section Officer the first opportunity that occurs of removing these labels; and (f) other clerical duties assigned to him, including casual typing, maintenance of diary register, preparation of statements and putting up of routine reminders. (ii) Stenotypist (a) Taking dictation, rendering transcripts and doing general typing work; (b) Attending to receipt and issue work during the absence of the Section Assistant; and (c) Any other ancillary function and work that may be assigned by the officer, e.g. reproduction of documents, arranging office amenities etc. 10. Naib Qasid attached to the Section will normally perform the following duties: (a) Carrying from one place to another within and without office premises official files/papers. (b) General arrangement and tidiness of the office, furniture including re-dusting of office furniture, record etc. (c) Conducting visitors to the officers. (d) Providing drinking water to the officers and staff. (e) Carriage of steel boxes containing secret/confidential files from one officer to another. (f) Shifting of articles of light furniture e.g. chairs, side racks, small side tables etc., from one place to another within office premises. (g) Anyother duty that may be assigned to him by his Officer Incharge during working hours. Section Officer has to perform duties as directed by seniors. Draft laws, put up notes, prepare summaries, manage the relevant record and data of concerned department. Reply to letters, communicate with other departments etc. He is the head of concerned section. All the orders are issued by Section Officer after approval from the competent authority.

It is considered as best for women due to its nature. It is desk work. There is no field work. He/she has to perform duties in provincial secretariats or in Islamabad.

About privileges, official vehicle is not allowed to Section Officers. In some cases they enjoy that privilege. Personal staff is provided to him. He is responsible for all the matters regarding his section. Next promotion is Deputy Secretary, who enjoys much privileges.